MassGIS has produced a statewide digital datalayer of the approximately 2300 sub-basins as defined and used by the USGS Water Resources Division and the Mass Water Resources Commission and as modified by Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA) agencies. These sub-basins were aggregated together to make the 28 basins of the Major Basins Datalayer. The sub-basin datalayer is now paneled by major basin grouping. Cape Cod and the Islands do not have much lateral 'surface' drainage because the soils are so porous. The sub-basin line shown for Cape Cod is the approximate groundwater divide between Cape Cod Bay, Vineyard Sound, and the Atlantic Ocean, taken from sub-surface groundwater contours. The state coastline and boundaries are included in the sub-basin coverages and are differentiated by arc attributes.
A set of 1:24,000 USGS paper quad sheets was delineated into approximately 2200 minor or drainage sub-basins. This work was produced over the past 20 years mainly by the USGS-WRD. Generally, the contours on the quads are the primary guide to basin boundaries. Often the 'mouth' of a basin is marked at the site of a stream gaging station, which can be different from the strict geographic location of the mouth.